Category: Work

Disable the WordPress Admin Bar for Non-Admins Only

Here is a variation of some code I found on to disable the WP admin bar for non-admins only.

function yoast_hide_admin_bar_settings() 
	<style type="text/css">
		.show-admin-bar {
			display: none;
function yoast_disable_admin_bar() 
		add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_false' );
		add_action( 'admin_print_scripts-profile.php', 'yoast_hide_admin_bar_settings' );
add_action('init', 'yoast_disable_admin_bar', 9);

Just copy and paste this code into your functions.php or another plugin/theme file that can add hooks. Save/upload and watch it work.

Let me know if you have any trouble using this.

Fix for WP Page Tree Plugin in WP 3+

The WP Page Tree plugin is a nice plugin. It shows a tree view of pages in your WP site… but it’s been broken since about version 3 or so.

I’m sure there are other tree view plugins that work well, but I liked that one. And it is actually an easy fix to get it working in WordPress versions 3+.

The issue was that the links generated in the tree view pointed to the old admin URLs for editing pages (page.php?action=edit&post=#). The new more generalized URLs for editing pages is (post.php?post=#&action=edit).

So, what you want to do is find line 404 in wppagetree.php (of version 2.8 of the plugin) and change page.php to post.php. That’s it. The whole block of code around there should look like:

if ($public) {
	// Create our own link to edit page for this ID
	$out .= "<a class=\"$pageStatus\" href=\"$pageURL\">" . $pageTitle . "</a>";
else {
	$out .= "<a class=\"$pageStatus\" href=\"" . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . "/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=$pageID\">" . $pageTitle . "</a> <a style=\"font-size: 10px;\" class=\"$pageStatus\" href=\"$pageURL\">#</a>";

Or download this zip here which has version 2.8 of the plugin plus that one fix. I may upload it to the WP directory sometime, but then I’d have to maintain. Feel free to do it for me. ;)


WordCamp Philly 2010 Presentation Slides

Here are slides from my talk. I was told a video of the presentation will be up at sometime soon. I’ll post a link when it is. And I’ll try to get these in SlideShare or something similar. I was having trouble with their site earlier.

Business Models for WordPress Plugin and Theme Distribution
What You Need to Know About the GPL

Download: ppt, pptx

Make One Category Display Full Posts in Thesis Theme

Got a request from a client to have a specific category page on their WordPress blog running the Thesis theme show full posts (vs. excerpts) for just one category. So I’m going to figure it out and write the steps here for the benefit of humanity.

First, to be clear, I’m not talking about changing ALL CATEGORY PAGES from excerpts to full posts. That can be done easily through the Thesis Display Options. You would change the “Posts” display options to “display full content” and the “Archives” display options to “same as home page”.

What I want to do is show excerpts on every category page except one. You do this by settings up a custom category theme, and Thesis has its own way to do that. A custom category theme wasn’t optimal for this install, so I need to do something different. It’s good to have different ways of doing things. Maybe my method below works for you too.

Here’s what we’re going to do.

  1. Use the “thesis_hook_before_post_box” hook to check the current category and if it is the “Quick Takes” category, change the $thesis[‘display’][‘archives’][‘style’] value to “content”.
  2. Use the “thesis_hook_after_post_box” hook to change the $thesis[‘display’][‘archives’][‘style’] value back to what it was before we tweaked it.

Sounds complicated, but it’s only a few lines to add to the /custom/custom_functions.php file in your Thesis theme folder.

function quicktakes_fullpost_setup()
	$target_category = "Quick Takes";
	//saving the global archives display setting so we can revert later
	global $thesis, $saved_thesis_display_archives_style;
	$saved_thesis_display_archives_style = $thesis['display']['archives']['style'];
	//checking the category, if it's the target category, then set the display to full post
	$current_category = single_cat_title("", false);
	if($current_category == $target_category)
		$thesis['display']['archives']['style'] = "content";
function quicktakes_fullpost_cleanup()
	//we're setting the display archives style back to what it was before we tweaked it
	global $thesis, $saved_thesis_display_archives_style;
	$thesis['display']['archives']['style'] = $saved_thesis_display_archives_style;
add_action('thesis_hook_before_post_box', 'quicktakes_fullpost_setup');
add_action('thesis_hook_after_post_box', 'quicktakes_fullpost_cleanup');

Be sure to change the $target_category variable to the title of the category you want to change.

If you want to do the inverse of this, which would be to show the excerpt on just one category page and update show the full post on all others, you would:

  1. Change the Thesis Display Options for posts to “display full post content”
  2. Change the Thesis Display Options for archives to “same as your homepage”
  3. Then adjust line 12 in the code above to set the style to “excerpts” instead of “content.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions about this or similar customizations for Thesis.

SS-Downloads WordPress Plugin

Testing our new SS-Downloads plugin. It basically will require an email address before serving a specified file. Right now, I’m using a zip of the pre-release plugin for testing. I will update this to point to the latest version once it’s ready.

Should see a form or download link here.

Enter your email address to download

Future plans:

  • Option to require account creation (instead of just an email address). Done
  • Option to email file as attachment instead of showing a link. Done
  • Icons for files in template.

Jason Speaking at WordCamp Philly October 30th at Temple University

I will be speaking on Business Models for Plugin/Theme Distribution. What You Need to Know About the GPL at WordCamp Philly October 30th, 2010 at Temple University in Philadelphia.

With lots of sweat and little luck, we’ll have our membership plugin available for some sort of release by then. But really I’m excited to share my thoughts on how to distribute, market, and make money off this plugin… and more interested in others ideas about the same.

If you want to hear me speak or are otherwise interested, get your ticket now.

Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!

Not sure how long WordPress has been doing this, but there is a check for duplicate comments. If the same user/email posts the same exact comment on the same post, the user will get a message like:

Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!

This is great actually, and keeps people from submitting the same comment twice if they get impatient waiting for moderation or otherwise click that submit button twice.

As a blog owner and WordPress developer, there may be situations where you want to allow people to post the same comment. If you want to enable duplicate comments on your blog for some reason, you can use this code here. Just add it to your theme’s functions.php or put this in a .php in your plugins folder and enable it.

function enable_duplicate_comments_preprocess_comment($comment_data)
	//add some random content to comment to keep dupe checker from finding it
	$random = md5(time());	
	$comment_data['comment_content'] .= "disabledupes{" . $random . "}disabledupes";	
	return $comment_data;
add_filter('preprocess_comment', 'enable_duplicate_comments_preprocess_comment');
function enable_duplicate_comments_comment_post($comment_id)
	global $wpdb;
	//remove the random content
	$comment_content = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_content FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_ID = '$comment_id' LIMIT 1");	
	$comment_content = preg_replace("/disabledupes\{.*\}disabledupes/", "", $comment_content);
	$wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->comments SET comment_content = '" . $wpdb->escape($comment_content) . "' WHERE comment_ID = '$comment_id' LIMIT 1");
		add your own dupe checker here if you want
add_action('comment_post', 'enable_duplicate_comments_comment_post');

For reference, here is the dupe check code in wp-includes/comment.php. A newer version should probably have a hook above and/or below to allow people to override the dupe checker more directly.

// Simple duplicate check
	// expected_slashed ($comment_post_ID, $comment_author, $comment_author_email, $comment_content)
	$dupe = "SELECT comment_ID FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_post_ID = '$comment_post_ID' AND comment_approved != 'trash' AND ( comment_author = '$comment_author' ";
	if ( $comment_author_email )
		$dupe .= "OR comment_author_email = '$comment_author_email' ";
	$dupe .= ") AND comment_content = '$comment_content' LIMIT 1";
	if ( $wpdb->get_var($dupe) ) {
		do_action( 'comment_duplicate_trigger', $commentdata );
		if ( defined('DOING_AJAX') )
			die( __('Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!') );
		wp_die( __('Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!') );

On Ustream: WordPress Plugin to Capture Email Addresses in Exchange For a File Download

Update: No longer streaming. The plugin works great. Kim is going to make it pretty, then I’ll post to WordPress and do a right up.

I’m streaming live right now while I work on a WordPress plugin. Follow me at

I’ll be working on a plugin for a feature that we’ve done a million different ways: asking for a user’s email address in exchange for a link to a file download. A solid plugin for this will save us a lot of time. If it turns out well, I’ll put it in the WP plugin directory and link to it from here.

Here are the requirements/specs I have for this plugin:

  • Should use a short code of the form [filedownload: /path/to/file.txt] to define where the form should go and what file.
  • The form will submit to the current page, log the email entered, add a session flag.
  • If an email is in $_POST, the post/page will show the download link instead of the email form.
  • Files will be hidden behind a script to obscure the path to the file. The script will check for the session flag before returning the file.
  • Should use a template to make it easy to change the HTML/CSS for the form.
  • Should be easy to adjust the addEmail code to work with Constant Contact/etc.

That’s it. Please join me. Post questions to the chat. Again, if this code comes out clean, I hope to share it.

Enhanced by Zemanta

WordPress get_the_content_after_more() Function

In WordPress, if you want to get just the excerpt of a post, you can use the built-in functions the_excerpt or get_the_excerpt. And if you want all of the content, you can of course use the the_content or get_the_content functions. But what if you want to get everything BUT the excerpt?

The Code

Here is a function that will do that: get_the_content_after_more()

function get_the_content_after_more()
	$content = get_the_content();
	$moretag = preg_match("/\<span id="\&quot;more-[0-9]*\&quot;\">\&lt;\/span\&gt;/", $content, $matches);
		$morespan = $matches[0];
		$morespan_pos = strpos($content, $morespan);
		$newcontent = substr($content, $morespan_pos + strlen($morespan), strlen($content) - strlen($morespan));
		$newcontent = apply_filters('the_content', $newcontent);
		return $newcontent;
		return "";

How to Use This

Notice that this is a “get_” version of the function. So you will get to echo the results or save them to a variable for future use. Just plop an echo get_the_content_after_more() into your LOOP and you’re good to go.

How it Works

The function works by getting the post content through “get_the_content” (and so will give you the content for the current post in your loop) and looking (preg_match) for the span tag that WordPress puts at the more break. (If older versions of WordPress don’t add this tag, this function won’t work. But this works in 2.9-3.0 at least.)

If a more tag is found, I create a variable $newcontent holding everything after the more tag. Then I run it through apply_filters to all of your plugins/etc that work on the_content will work on this.

If a post doesn’t have an excerpt (no excerpt or more tag in the post), the function returns an empty string.

The function could easily be called get_the_inverse_excerpt or get_the_content_after_excerpt or get_the_content_minus_excerpt. Let me know if you have a better idea for this… or tell me what you searched for to figure this out.

Why Would I Use This?

Kim was updating our portfolio page, which is really a list of WordPress posts. She wanted to style the “excerpt” differently from the rest of the content. Notice how the top section (“WineLog is…”) is in a gradient box on the WineLog portfolio item… and then the rest is styled as written in the post content. We used code like this:

<div class="excerpt">
    echo get_the_content_after_more();			

When we decided to do this, I first checked if WordPress was adding some tag around the excerpt that we could piggy back on. Nope. All that is added is a span like at the point where the more break is. Then I looked for a buit-in function or some parameter of the_content that could be used to do this. No luck. (Let me know if there is a built-in way to do this.)

If I Were Updating WordPress…

… and it’s open source. So maybe I will. One could add a parameter to the_content/get_the_content functions to exclude the excerpt. The code would be largely the same, though they could look for the more tag itself since they won’t have that stripped out yet. That feels clunky to me. Let me know if you have better ideas.