Author: Jason Coleman

Investor Geeks!

A couple buddies and I have just launched a project that I am very excited about (notice the exclamation mark in the title).

I’m partnering with Chris Welch and Frank Sanders on this, and our intention to create a hub for young, intelligent people like ourselves who might be new to this investment thing.

Be sure to check back there tomorrow morning at 7am when my first post goes live.

All Your Words

…are belong to this guy:

Checkout Andrew Cantino’s new word association site. It’s a fun little toy, and (best of all) yours truly helped with the design and styling.

Guilt No More – Paying Musicians for Pirated Music

I closed out my Pay the Artists post with this little promise:

I’ll report-in later to expand on this topic with some ideas I have for “paying the artists”.

I don’t do these posts-in-series very well. We all know how the Making the Blog series went. My mind wanders, my ADD kung fu is too strong, the winds of change…

Well, let’s see if I can wrap this “pay the artists” discussion up promptly.

Let’s recap:

  1. I get most of my music from non-CD, non-iTunes sources.
  2. Currently, the main reason for this is that it is cheaper for me.
  3. Because I save money by shunning CDs, I can afford to see more concerts.
  4. The musicians I see in concert make more money (% wise) off these concert tickets than they would off a comparable expenditure on CDs.
  5. The musicians I like enough (and have an opportunity) to see in concert make more money from me as a customer.
  6. Artists who are good enough to peak my interest (to buy a CD), but aren’t good enough to motivate me to go to a concert don’t get any money from me.
  7. Artists who are good enough to peak my interest, but don’t tour near me don’t get any money from me.
  8. I feel good about giving more of my money to musicians.
  9. I feel good about giving less of my money to record companies.
  10. I feel bad about the poor guys on the end of (6) and (7) who might have gotten some money from me if I was more of a CD buyer and less of a concert-goer.

How do I (and others like me) reconcile that last item? That’s the point (or part of the point) of these ramblings. Here is a random list of suggestions. Most of this is not even possible for various reasons but fun to think about anyway.

  • Low-Tech Option: Every musician must have donate button on their website. Optionally, the musician can post what their current take is per song. Now take a calculator and add up all the money each musician would have made (n x $0.10) off your jolly-rogered music collection. Go to said musicians’ websites and donate appropriate amounts of money.
  • Post-Scan Option: Let’s build a web application which will scan my computer for music files. I can then select which n of those were obtained illegally. The app will calculate n x $0.10 and bill me the total. The company behind the app will be responsible for making sure the artists in question receive the proper portion of that money. In addition, artists can contact the company to report their actual earnings per song to be used in calculations. As an added feature (for Apple-bashers only), allow the users to calculate and pay all or part of the $0.55 the record labels would have gotten from iTunes-like services for each song.
  • Integrated Option: Let’s build a service to sit on top of Kazaa, BitTorrent, allofmp3, or whatever tools kiddies are using to yo-ho-ho music these days. This service will keep a running total ($0.10 per song) of what is due to each artist. Users can then logon to to total their bill and submit their payment. Moneys are distributed in the same way as in my second suggestion.

Possible names for these apps: “Pay the Artists” or “Guilt No More Payment Systems”. My conscience wants a service like the ones kiddingly postulated above. My busy life and need to write 1000 word essays keeps me from pursuing the manual option (keep telling yourself this). For now I will stick to my system of keeping a rough tally for my “concert fund” and continue to support musicians that way, while robbing them of a little profit up front in order to listen to their wonderful work.

For those interested enough to read this far, here is a link to a pretty interesting article about iTunes, musicians, and the music industry. <a class='body' href='
‘>iTunes: Facelift for a corrupt industry.


Puzzle Dropper Screenshots

Remember that little puzzle game I made in Visual Basic 6? Of course you don’t. Well… now that I have image-posting capabilities, here are some screenshots. The game’s not too flashy. I’ve always intended to add some pizazz to the game or port it to the web or SOMETHING. If anyone is interested in seeing the code for this, drop me a line.

Grab the Puzzle Dropper installer.

Puzzle Dropper Screenshot 1Puzzle Dropper Screenshot 2Puzzle Dropper Screenshot 3Puzzle Dropper Screenshot 4

Andrew Cantino

I just had Andrew Cantino update a link he had on his site to point to my blog rather than my web design site. And since he has a link pointing here, I thought I would return the favor.

Please check out Andrew’s AbsurdlyCool Freebie Finder. And here’s a link to Andrew’s personal blog.

Now Andrew’s another fellow with a lot of real estate on the web. So I won’t be surprised when he emails me asking to change that link to his other blog.


The new automatic image attachment feature works (mostly). In celebration, here are a few pictures of my cats. The gray kitten is Remix, and the tabby is named Moxie. Enjoy!

Our Cats Are Best FriendsMoxie With a Boo Boo on Her TummyRemix in RecoveryRemix All Wet

Rock Out!

You can’t tell, but I’m testing a new feature for the blog which will make it easier for myself (and others) to add images to a post. In the meantime, check out this picture inspired by an idea for a t-shirt.

Rock Out T-Shirt Concept